Heating Replacement In Alpharetta, GA

Heating Replacement In Alpharetta, GA and Surrounding Areas

The winter chills and the holiday season are here, and it is the perfect time to install a heater or furnace at your home. But heating installation is a complex process that needs to be handled by a professional. Luckily, you can contact the expert technicians at Cool Now Solutions for all your heating services.

Autumn is a particularly good season for maintaining your furnace or heater system. Consider upgrading your furnace in the fall if you have an outdated system or an appliance that faces many heating issues. Getting help from a service provider for furnace repair is important.

For any services of heating replacement in Alpharetta, our team is ready to assist you and provide high-quality HVAC services. You can easily contact us and expect a prompt response. We take up the services of all brands and manufacturers and handle the units using specialized equipment. We provide heater installation in Alpharetta, GA.

How to Check the Efficiency of The Heater

As the temperature drops, we rely on our heaters to keep us warm and cozy. But did you know that a poorly functioning heater can not only fail to heat your home properly, but also increase your energy bills and even pose safety risks? That’s why it’s important to check the efficiency of your heater on a regular basis. Incase you need heating replacement in Alpharetta, Here’s how you can do it:

Check the Air Filters

Dirty or clogged air filters can hinder the airflow, forcing your heater to work harder and consume more energy. Clean or replace the air filters every few months to ensure smooth airflow and optimum efficiency. 

Inspect the Thermostat

The thermostat controls the temperature of your home, and a malfunctioning thermostat can cause the heater to work inefficiently. Check if the thermostat is calibrated correctly and make sure it’s not located near a heat source or in direct sunlight, which can affect its accuracy. Incase you need heating repair in Alpharetta, visit the website.

Look for Leaks and Cracks

Leaky ducts or cracks in the furnace can result in heat loss, reducing the efficiency of your heater. Inspect the ducts and furnace for any signs of damage or leaks, and seal them promptly to prevent heat loss. 

Assess the Flame Color

If you have a gas furnace, check the color of the flame. A blue flame indicates that the heater is functioning properly, while a yellow or orange flame can indicate a problem with the burner or fuel mixture. In this case, it’s best to call a professional technician for heating replacement in Alpharetta.

Measure the Airflow

Low airflow can reduce the efficiency of your heater, so check the vents and registers to ensure that the air is flowing smoothly. If you notice weak airflow, it could be due to clogged filters, leaky ducts, or a malfunctioning blower fan.

Regularly checking the efficiency of your heater can not only improve its performance and reduce your energy bills but also ensure your safety and comfort during the cold winter months. If you notice any problems, it’s best to call a licensed professional for repairs or maintenance.

By taking these simple steps to assess your heater’s efficiency, you can ensure that your home stays warm and comfortable all winter long.

Indications That Your Heater Needs To Be Replaced

The Furnace Is Older Than 15 Years

Many furnaces lose efficiency over time due to corrosion and wear and tear. You can call for heating replacement in Alpharetta. However, if this doesn’t work, you may consider replacing your system.

Increased Utility Costs

If your utility bills rise, you may have an old or faulty furnace consuming more energy. Getting your furnace system checked by an expert for furnace repair in Alpharetta is essential. However, if the problem persists, opt for a new system.

Regular System Failures

Other components of an older furnace may be on the verge of failure. Getting your heating system repaired by a company for heating repair in Alpharetta can help avoid system failures. If these issues continue, you should replace your furnace, as the repair expenses can probably increase. 

Uncomfortable Temperature

You might need a new heater if the temperature around you remains cold. You might turn on the heat, but it does not make your home comfortable. If your HVAC system is old or malfunctioning and does not remove enough moisture from the air, your home will feel warm and stuffy. To prevent heating replacement in Alpharetta, inspect your HVAC system as soon as possible.

To Conclude,

The Cool Now Solutions team can advise you on what needs to be done to repair your HVAC system. We specialize in heating replacement in Alpharetta and maintain all your heating and cooling equipment. If you have any questions, please contact us for prompt assistance.

Our Services:

Contact Us Today For Heating Replacement In Alpharetta, GA and Surrounding Areas

Why Choose Us?

Here are a few reasons why Cool Now Solutions stands out in the HVAC service industry: 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

We provide utmost importance to the satisfaction of our customers and strive our best to achieve it. You can rely on our trusted technicians for your heating replacement in Alpharetta and expect a 100% satisfaction guaranteed service. We consider all factors that contribute to a comfortable environment at your home. 

Budget-Friendly Prices

We provide all our HVAC services at an extremely affordable rate with upfront pricing plans that do not include extra fees. You can request a quote through our official website. Our HVAC experts will assist you in finding the best plan that suits your budget. No extra charges will be added unreasonably. Contact experts for heating replacement in Alpharetta.

Customization Options

We offer a range of customization options that helps you finalize a plan suiting your personal needs. Our experts will engage with you in all the steps before taking a crucial decision. You can suggest changes, and we are ready to implement what is best for your personal space. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The frequency of heating replacement depends on various factors such as the age of the heating system, its efficiency, and maintenance history. In general, heating systems should be replaced every 15-20 years to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. However, if the system is showing signs of frequent breakdowns or high energy bills, it may be time to replace it sooner. Regular maintenance and tune-ups can also extend the lifespan of the heating system. It is best to consult a professional HVAC technician to assess the condition of your heating system and recommend the best course of action.
The most efficient temperature for a heating system depends on several factors such as the type of heating system, the size of the home, and the insulation. In general, setting the thermostat between 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit (20-22 degrees Celsius) during the winter months is considered optimal for energy efficiency and comfort. However, it's essential to keep in mind that the most efficient temperature may vary depending on personal preferences and the specific circumstances of each home. It's best to consult a professional HVAC technician to determine the most efficient temperature for your heating system. Additionally, installing a programmable thermostat can help optimize energy efficiency by automatically adjusting the temperature based on your schedule and preferences.
When a heat exchanger cracks, there is a risk of dangerous carbon monoxide gas being released into the air. This can lead to health problems and even fatalities. Additionally, a cracked heat exchanger can cause the furnace to malfunction or shut down completely, leading to a lack of heat in the home. It is important to have any cracks or damage to a heat exchanger repaired or replaced as soon as possible by a qualified HVAC technician to ensure the safety and efficiency of the heating system.
The best heat setting for your house depends on your personal preference and the outside temperature. However, the Department of Energy recommends setting your thermostat to 68°F (20°C) when you are at home and awake, and lowering it when you are asleep or away from home to save energy. It's also important to consider the efficiency of your heating system and the insulation of your home when determining the best heat setting.
  • Carbon monoxide presence: A damaged heat exchanger can cause cracks or holes that allow carbon monoxide gas to escape into your home. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headaches, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue.
  • Strange odors: If you notice a strange, unpleasant odor coming from your heating system, it could be a sign of a damaged heat exchanger. The smell may resemble that of formaldehyde or burning plastic.
  • Poor heating performance: A damaged heat exchanger can also lead to poor heating performance.